In 1991 Old Macdonald’s Farm opened its gates for the first time, brought to life through the efforts of Don Allen and Susanne Wilkerson. Founded on the joys of bringing kids and adults alike into contact with animals they may not see on a regular basis and escaping from the hustle and bustle of city life. A goal that they continue to strive towards even today 30 years later! From traditional farm animals like goats and horses, to the exotic like a coatimunide or even your friendly neighborhood dumpster divers like Wally the raccoon. All have come through their gates and brought smiles to our visitors faces.

As everyone who has had a pet knows they all come with their own unique and quirky personality. This goes doubly when you have our odd assortment of fluffy friends all under the same roof with each other. Whether it’s an emu who thinks he is just a really tall duck or a llama with an oddly familiar four legged hop and bounce, we’ve seen it and we’ve laughed at it. Now we want to share those memories and more with those from all over. Whether you are looking for something funny for someone’s next birthday or something sentimental to show your friend how much they mean to you we hope to have a design to help you express that. So come join us, browse our store, like our social media pages and leave a review so we can continue to grow and share with those from all over!
Welcome to the farm!